July Blog - Once in a Blue Moon ...
Hi everyone and welcome to my July blog!
I'm sorry I haven't been on the radar! I have missed you all, but I had to take a few months off to recover from a fairly serious and sudden bout of pneumonia.. Thank you for all your beautiful healing wishes! I'm doing really well now, taking things slowly, with loads of rest and mindfulness around wellbeing and not pushing myself. I'm actually finding it quite a gift to be so focussed on my health and wellbeing in this way ... probably for the first time ever. The Universe always delivers!
Once in Blue Moon ...
I am loving reading all of the great reports and musings on the energetics, science and spirituality behind tonight's Full Blue Moon in Aquarius! Google it for the juicy background! While I have very little understanding of astrology or astronomy, I am feeling the energies (loving them!) and inspired to affirm my way of being in the world and my craziest dreams and wishes! Bathing in these delicious energies, I sat down and (re)wrote what I seek to co-create in my world and I thought I would share it with you ...
"I am fully aligned with my highest vibrational destiny ... with the source within me and in which I dwell. I am fully engaged in the co-creation of our most beautiful, loving, conscious and thriving world. With deep gratitude always ..."
Why don't you create your own magical moon manifesto (share it with us on my Facebook page www.facebook.com/fromthefeminine (http://www.facebook.com/fromthfeminine) ) or feel free to borrow this one, if it sings to your heart!
BEING Love ...
Since embarking on this most recent healing journey, I have reflected a lot on what it means to "look after yourself" and, implicit in this inquiry is the concept of self-love. Generally we won't take care of ourselves unless we value, honour and love ourselves enough to do so. Initially I approached this from a "doing" mindset ... the question I posed myself was "What do I have to do, or do more of, to love myself more ... and to therefore be healthier?". To be honest, this question felt weighty, confusing and a little bit depressing! I thought of myself as fairly attuned, yet I couldn't figure it out! It really got to me, until I sent my anguished "what the ...?" out into the Universe and surrendered the question altogether. That's when a bunch of synchronicities led me to the understanding that I'd been thinking about this backwards and I needed to practice what I preach in all of my Circles ... this isn't a DOING job, this is a BEING job (aren't they all!).
And this is even more simple than it sounds ... no to do lists, just an awareness that in every moment, we can choose the best thought, the best feeling, the best vibes. When you do this, you are choosing love. We're human, and we're going to bellyflop on this sometimes - maybe many times - but even those moments are an opportunity to choose love again, and start over with the next choice. This quote by Rachel Macy Stafford sums it up perfectly ...
"Today I will choose love. Tomorrow I will choose love. And the day after that, I will choose love. If I mistakenly choose distraction, perfection, or negativity over love, I will not wallow in regret. I will choose love until it becomes who I am."
Be aware however that choosing love isn't all unicorns and rainbows! In "choosing love" as often as possible, we are not dismissing other emotions. In fact, the greatest moments we are given to choose love, are those when we feel barraged by anger, sadness, despair, jealousy or rage. In no way are we trying to avoid these experiences. The process of being deeply present to our emotions, feeling them, acknowledging and honouring them, is choosing love.
In my July Circles, we embraced "choosing love" and started off the process by simply remembering all the things throughout our life - from toddler to today - which make us feel wonderful. This is the space from which we can choose love, from which we can BE love most easily. And the more we do this, the better we get at it, until it becomes second nature once again. Think of it as building up our love muscle! If this feels like something you might want to explore, reflect on the questions we worked with at the Circles ...
- note down all of the activities you do which bring you a deep sense of enjoyment - not distraction or 'busyness' - but a meaningful connection with yourself, where you are nourished and not diverted from your stillness, from your centre. Give yourself permission to choose these moments whenever you can.
- close your eyes and see yourself as a young child. Allow him or her to show you the activities which gave you the greatest joy at that age. Repeat this process for your teenage and young adult years etc. Do you still undertake any of these activities? Would you like to?
- take a little time to honestly assess if there are any people, places or activities which drain, distract or distress you from your most loving, high vibe self. Explore your options to avoid these moments ... and if that isn't possible (be brutally hones with yourself here!), practice choosing love in those moments. This is "Choosing Love Bootcamp"! Give gratitude for these moments!
Enjoy your surrender into being the love you came here to be!
With so much love, light and laughter to you all!
Sasha xxxx
PS: Feel free to share my newsletters, emails, posts, pics, words and musings far and wide, but please assign the appropriate credits ... Copyright 2015, Sasha Moss www.fromthefeminine.com