From the Feminine

Through Wise Women Circles, compassion centred individual psychotherapy & counselling, and inspirational literature, at From the Feminine, Sasha invites you to reconnect deeply with yourself and your community, reawaken to your greatest gifts and deepest dreams, and to shine your brightest light ... in service of the greatest flourishing of all humanity.

Sasha's Inspirations ... 

I have created this page as a hub of inspiration for you all on your journey back to yourself! All of the resources featured here have personally touched my heart and soul, and are wonderful examples of individuals engaging with the world from a deep place of authenticity, love and passion, in service to creating ever increasing levels of love, joy and compassion in humanity.  They are my role models and inspiration on this journey of sharing my gifts with the world. At the bottom of this page you will also find some of my original work which I hope will also support you on your path.  May you experience many magical moments, immersing yourself in these pages as you allow your heart to guide you on this exciting journey!

What I can share is my deep knowing that, if you engage with the world from a place of deepest authenticity, love and passion for what you do, the universe will provide you with all you need - whether you knew what that was or not! We often hear the phrase ‘do what you love and you’ll never work another day in your life’ ... well that is so true ... but only part of the equation! Deeper than the ‘doing” of what you love, must lie the ‘being’ of who you truly are. When you ‘be’ yourself, the doing will flow effortlessly .. so ask yourself in those quietest of moments, with unabashed honesty, who are you? What is your deepest vision for yourself? And go all the way with that! As more of us live fro this place of authenticity, so our world will progress to its most loving, authentic state! To slightly revamp Neil Armstrong’s words as he stepped on the moon (!) ... as each woman honours herself and takes a small step on to her destiny path, it creates one giant leap for the human race.”
— Sasha Moss - Founder, From the Feminine

A fabulous video showing the introduction of mindfulness practice in an American elementary school. So inspiring! Wouldn't it be wonderful if every child / classroom across the world were taught these skills and embraced them every day! What a different world they would create!

Watch FEMME at FemmeTheMovie point com NOW!! The official trailer for the upcoming Documentary: 'FEMME-Women healing the World'. A Celebration of women transforming our planet.
Musicians Nimo Patel and Daniel Nahmod brought together dozens of people from around the world to create this beautiful, heart-opening melody. Inspired by the 21-Day Gratitude Challenge, the song is a celebration of our spirit and all that is a blessing in life.
Connect with me: Boca Raton March 2013 Abraham recommends that we do these things every day. Transcript available at For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit For a discussion on the law of attraction please visit
A taste of the upcoming feature documentary, Occupy Love. This is a community funded film. "Love is the felt experience of connection to another being. An economist says 'more for you is less for me.' But the lover knows that more of you is more for me too.
It is imperative that individuals embrace the idea that their capacities are far greater than they realize in order to positively impact their lives and contribute to a better world. Lady Rabia shares the blueprint for unleashing your legend through sharing her own extraordinary stories of overcoming personal challenges and adversity in this TEDxSevenMileBeach talk. This entertaining and inspirational movie based on the best-selling book of the same name is hosted by author and teacher Louise L. Hay. This film gives penetrating insights into Louise's fascinating personal story; and shows how her views on self-esteem, abundance, and the metaphysical causes behind physical ailments were developed.
Marshall Rosenberg created Nonviolent Communication and is Founder and Director of Educational Services for the Center for Nonviolent Communication, an international non-profit organization based in California. Dr Rosenberg talks about Teilhard de Chardin's theories of human evolution which sought to return to a more natural way - one where no-one advances at the expense of another.
Lisa Nichols is CEO of Motivating the Masses, one of the top training and development companies in the world, a best-selling author of 6 books and one of the most sought-after transformational speakers whose global platform has reached and served millions. See incredible speakers like Lisa live at Awesomeness Fest. Best-Selling Author and Renowned Spiritual Teacher, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Presents His First Feature Film--The Shift (formerly titled Ambition to Meaning). Join Wayne Dyer and a star-studded cast for a story that will capture your imagination and send you on your own quest for a life of meaning and purpose.
Masaru Emoto was born in Yokohama, Japan in July 1943 and a graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University's department of humanities and sciences with a focus on International Relations. In 1986 he established the IHM Corporation in Tokyo. In October of 1992 he received certification from the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine.