From the Feminine

Through Wise Women Circles, compassion centred individual psychotherapy & counselling, and inspirational literature, at From the Feminine, Sasha invites you to reconnect deeply with yourself and your community, reawaken to your greatest gifts and deepest dreams, and to shine your brightest light ... in service of the greatest flourishing of all humanity.

January's Blog - Visioning 2015!

Welcome to my first blog for 2015!

I am super excited to be sending out my first blog and newsletter for 2015, especially after one of the most inspirational months I have had working with the Circles! January saw a series of "Vision Circles" in which I guided the participants to first release with love, gratitude and compassion all that no longer serves their highest purpose, and then to call in all the delicious magic they wished to create in 2015. The depth and beauty of the experiences which the women and men all opened up to, and so graciously shared with the group, was absolutely inspiring and very energising! I can't wait to journey further with all of these wonderful groups and individuals over the coming months.

For those of you who weren't able to make it to this year's Vision Circle, I am in the process of creating a digital version which you will be able to download from my website and work with at your own pace. In the meantime, here is an overview if you're keen to get started!

Releasing that which no longer serves you ...  how do you do it?
Like a good spring clean, it always feels wonderful to lighten the space within and around you by "decluttering" ... releasing any of those thoughts, habits, people, objects or addictions which are depleting rather than nourishing you. The key when approaching this task, is to release whatever it may be, with love, compassion and gratitude for the ways in which it once served you - as it is guaranteed that in some way, and at some time, this thought, habit, issue or relationship was serving to assist you. It may have protected you physically, emotionally or spiritually, and at the very least, it has been part of your journey to this very moment in time and has therefore helped you become the amazing, wondrous, perfect being you are today. For this, we must give thanks. So when you sit down, either with my meditation, or on your own, to release the old, focus in on the vibrations of love and gratitude. Be forgiving and gentle with the younger you who may have been reliant on whatever it is you are seeking to release. Thank it for fulfilling its purpose in your life over the past days, weeks, months or years and acknowledge that its job is now complete, that you are ready, willing and able to move forward in your journey without it.

Calling in your deepest dreams - some tips to amplify the magic!
I'm sure many of you have at some point, set goals, pledged New Year's Resolutions, created beautiful vision boards or set affirmations for your year. All of these things can be so very powerful, but I would like to focus on just three tips which make these beautiful tools absolute rocket launchers for drawing in the most magical of years.

(1) "Sensation precedes manifestation"! Many spiritual teachers have quoted this one ... I think I came across it in Dr Wayne Dyer's work ... and it is truly the most powerful thing to know about manifestation. To really make the magic happen you must go beyond the words and even beyond the images, and deep into your body ... really feel what it is like to be in that space where you are already "living the dream".  So for example, if you would love a new home with 4 bedrooms by the beach, it is fun and fabulous to think about the decor and describe the view, but what you really need to do is get inside of the emotion and physical sensation you are experiencing as you sit in that space. Do you feel free and light? Calm and nurtured in this space? Get deep inside the feelings your dream conjures up within you ... and allow it to burst forth from there!

(2) Positive framing - to assist you in getting to the "sensation", make sure your words are clear and their vibration is high! So for example, you may initially start off with "I don't want to struggle with money anymore". That is a great desire, but can you feel the energy of the negative framing and words such as "struggle" ... it really doesn't evoke that visceral exhilaration that we want to trigger manifestation. Instead, you could say "I now experience ease, flow and abundance in my financial affairs" ... can you feel the difference?!

(3) Surrender to Infinite Possibilities. Yes! We truly do live in a Universe where anything is possible and the only limits which we experience are those we place on ourselves when we resist partnering with the greater field of life. In surrendering control over the "how could this ever be possible?", we invite the Universe to co-create circumstances which can be more amazing than we could have ever dreamed for ourselves. So, in deciding on some of the beautiful desires you wish to call forth, really allow yourself to unabashedly dream big, knowing that even though we can't see over the horizon ... we know that there is immense beauty lying just beyond our sight. All we have to do is travel towards it!

Keep an eye out in the coming months my guided meditations which take you through all of this in depth. If you haven't already, head to my Facebook page and "like" to get all the latest updates, at  or subscribe to my monthly newsletter at

May 2015 be a year of ever expanding joy, peace, love, authenticity, conscious heart based communication and abundance for you all!

Lots of love and light to you all!

Sasha xxxxx